Learn More about Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Sarasota FL

by | Nov 11, 2019 | Lawyers

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It may seem like all vehicles are the same when it comes to dealing with a motor vehicle accident. However, that is not true. There are some significant differences between the standard automobile accident and an accident involving a motorcycle. That is why it is important to consult with Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Sarasota FL when there has been an accident involving a motorcycle.


One of the first differences that it is important to understand is that while motorcycle accidents may be less frequent than other vehicular accidents, the only reason for that is there are far fewer motorcycles on the road than automobiles. Motorcycles make up less than 3% of all registered vehicles, and, for many motorcycle owners, they are not the primary means of transportation. That means that they make up an even smaller percentage of actual miles traveled on the road each year by motor vehicles.


While motorcycles may be much less frequent than accidents involving other vehicles, they are deadlier. Motorcycle accidents are roughly 25 times more likely to result in death than other types of motor vehicle collisions. Also, when comparing miles traveled by car with miles by accident, motorcycles are much deadlier than cars.

Causes of Motorcycle Accidents

As with any type of motor vehicle, failure to follow the rules is a leading cause of motorcycle accidents. Speeding, lane splitting, tailgating, intoxicants, sudden stops, and hazardous road conditions lead to motorcycle accidents. Another common factor is drivers who open car doors without first checking for a motorcyclist. Inattention to motorcycles is a contributing factor in many motorcycle accidents, as drivers simply fail to expect and look for motorcycles on the road.

Common Biker Injuries

The degree and extent of a biker’s injuries in an accident depend on several factors, such as speed, protective gear, and the size of the other vehicle. Some common injuries include broken joints, road rash, concussions or other head injuries, facial disfigurement, and biker’s arm, a nerve-damaging condition that results when the arm is injured in a fall.

Learn More

Recovery from an accident can be physically, financially, and emotionally exhausting. Browse the site to find out how Motorcycle Accident Attorneys in Sarasota FL can help ease recovery.