Learn to Fix These Plumbing Issues and Start Preventing Inconveniences

by | Jul 1, 2019 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Just about everybody has plunged a toilet before. Fortunately, fixing a clogged toilet is easy enough for any able-bodied person to take care of. Although plumbing isn’t something everyone knows how to do, some plumbing issues that face modern households can be easily remedied, though the person might have to google it first. Check out these three relatively common household plumbing problems that you can probably fix yourself if you’re up for the task.

The Toilet Won’t Stop Filling Up with Water.

You’re fortunate that this problem doesn’t happen as nearly as frequently as a clogged toilet. As long as you’ve researched this ahead of time, you should be able to keep water spillage to a minimum. Behind every toilet is a water supply line. In most cases, these lines are roughly one foot long and are wrapped in metallic mesh. Look for a valve on the line and turn it until the water stops flowing from your toilet.

Drains Don’t Drain Quickly Enough.

Many of the hygienic products people use don’t readily flow through plumbing. Feminine hygiene products are a big-time culprit, as are locks of long hair that make their way down drains. These clog drains and slow the flow of water. Open up the drain and fish such items out with a drain snake or a straightened wire hanger. Not enough? Get ready to look for a plumbing contractor in Macon, GA.

Hot Water Nowhere to Be Found

A pilot light is responsible for heating most homes’ hot water tanks. Make sure the pilot light is on, as it can sometimes go out. Simply hold a flame to where the flame is supposed to be to fix this issue.

If you can’t fix it yourself, rest assured that here at Hammond Services we’re a full-service plumbing contractor in Macon, GA. You can find our full list of services on our website.