Adopting a child is an enormously life-changing event. Many people who have wished to become parents and found themselves biologically unable have avoided adoption for several reasons. One is the fear that they will not bond with an adopted child. But millions of happy, adoptive homes have proven this to be an unfounded fear.Other concerns exist that the birth parents will return and demand the child back. While a couple of high-profile cases have put this issue into the news, the reality is that it is an exceptionally rare incident.
Even more so when you perform your adoption through a reputable adoption agency. Adoptive parents are desperately needed. Each year in the United States alone 30,000 children age out of the system before they are able to find a loving home. When you look at the world as a whole, that number increases to a staggering 14 million. That is a lot of innocent children who are left without ever finding a home to call their own. Adopting a Child in Oklahoma is a rewarding experience for families that take the time to find the right service. The Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption agency helps birth parents and adoptive parents to make the right choices for the child and to do so in a caring and legal manner. Birth parents are given the option of who they allow their child to be adopted by and are allowed to keep contact after the adoption.
The process is pressure-free and counseling services are always available, even after the adoption is complete. Adoptive parents can benefit from the informational meetings, seminars and counseling both before and after the adoption. They host gatherings for adoptive families so you can meet others like yourself. Another service is the opportunity for families to adopt older children who are currently under the care of the Department of Human Services. These are children who desperately need homes. Most have faced tragic incidents in their short lives including physical and sexual abuse. These children require special parents who are able to deal with their issues and are willing to learn what they need to, in order to provide the support these children must have. If you are ready to begin the process of Adopting a Child in Oklahoma, or are currently in the midst of an unplanned pregnancy, contact Deaconess Pregnancy and Adoption Services today.