When a small business or corporation is looking into investing into insurance packages for the employees, the plan is to give the employee the best possible benefit without costing a whole lot out of the company’s pocket. Insurance packages usually include health, vision and some dental plans. The dental plans are sometimes offered separately from the rest of the health insurance. Businesses interested in group dental plans should shop around thoroughly. There is an insurance agency that offers Group Dental Plans in Macon GA who wants potential clients to know what to look for in a good group dental plan.
There are several group dental plans that are offered. Any of them will be a good policy for someone. The key is to understand which policy will work best for a particular business’ group. The first one is called the direct reimbursement program. In this plan, the employee has reimbursed a certain percentage of the total amount spent on dental care. This plan allows the employee to go to a dentist of his or her own choice. The type of dental treatment that is needed does not matter.
Another plan is called the usual, customary, and reasonable plan. This plans usually allows the participant to go to the dentist of his or choice. The plan pays a portion of the dentist’s fee or the customary amount set by the plan administrator, whichever is going to be cheaper. The next plan is called the table plan. This plan sets a predetermined amount of paid amounts of specified services. Finally, there is the capitation program, which pays contracted dentists a certain sum for each family or individual.
Looking at these different kinds of group dental plans will help the provider decide which is best to offer to the company’s employees. The Stone Insurance Agency Inc. has been providing insurance solutions for businesses and individuals in the Macon, Georgia area for more than 30 years. The agency offers Medicare Supplement Plans, Group Medical Plans, Group Dental Plans and many others. If interested in Group Dental Plans in Macon GA, Stone Insurance Agency is available.