Maintenance Tips for Winter Landscapes

by | Jan 2, 2018 | Landscaping

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Ask any landscape material supplier in Herkimer, NY and they will tell you cold weather can be damaging to landscapes. Early snows and colder temperatures can make it difficult to wok in the yard or garden. Of course, landscaping in the winter months is far less demanding. As far as maintenance though you can do some things to help prepare your lawn and garden for spring.

Manage Dead Foliage and Debris

Make sure your grass stays healthy by removing any debris and dead foliage. Dead leaves and other debris creates a layer preventing the sun from reaching the grass. This can complicate and prohibit its early growth in the spring.

Adding Mulch in the Winter

A landscape material supplier in Herkimer, NY can help choose the right mulch for a lawn or garden area. Mulch has an aesthetic appeal that helps in the winter months, but it offers a lot more. It acts as a layer of insulation protecting against harsh winter conditions and low temperatures. Don’t cover roots of trees or shrubs as it can lead to root rot. Spread mulch evenly across areas you want to protect.

Prune and Trim Shrubbery and Trees

Dormant months make a great time to prune and trim shrubs and hedges. Be sure to only cut off decaying or failing branches. It’s also important to remove large, dead branches before the snowy months as it can become a hazard in a severe winter storm.

Protect Lawn and Plants

Apply an environmentally safe moisture sealant over evergreens. This prevents freezing and windburn in most cases. Ask a landscape material supplier in Herkimer, NY abut what is best for your lawn and plants. Try to avoid walking on frozen lawns as this can cause damage. This may lead to bare spots that won’t go away until the grass starts to grow again.

Browse the Materials, Sand and Gravel website to view what we carry. Contact us with any landscaping questions you may have.