Missing Teeth? A Cosmetic Dentist in Elk Grove Village Can Replace Them

by | Jan 27, 2022 | Dental Services

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Missing teeth can ruin a person’s appearance. People may see them and assume that they don’t brush their teeth or care about their appearance. A Cosmetic Dentist in Elk Grove Village has several ways to help a person fill the gaps in their smile. If the tooth was recently lost, the dentist can use a dental implant to replace the tooth. A dental implant is a titanium cylinder that is inserted into the gum. It takes about two months for the jaw to fully incorporate the implant. Once this happens the implant is as strong and functional as the original tooth root. A porcelain crown is then attached to the implant. When the process is complete, the implant and crown look like a natural tooth.

If it’s been a long time since the patient lost his tooth, then his jawbone has probably become too small and weak to support an implant. In that case, the dentist can use a permanent bridge to fill the gap. It is necessary to grind down the teeth on either side of the hole. Crowns will fit over each of these. They will be connected to the crown that replaces the missing tooth. When it is cemented securely into place, no one will be able to tell that it is a permanent bridge. The person will be able to speak and eat easily. If the patient follows the dentist’s instructions and flosses properly, the permanent bridge will last for many decades.

Some people have so many missing and diseased teeth that they have to have all of their teeth extracted. The Cosmetic Dentist in Elk Grove Village will explain to the concerned patient that today’s dentures are much more natural and comfortable than dentures used to be. They also stay in place, because dental implants are used to anchor them. The dentist inserts several implants into both the bottom and upper jaw. Instead of topping them with dental crowns, he attaches small metal balls. These fit into slots on the bottom of the dentures. The patient snaps their clean dentures into place in the morning and they stay secure all day.

Brian Homann, DDS is one of the cosmetic dentists in Elk Grove Village that replaces missing teeth. Cosmetic dentistry in Elk Grove Village, Illinois is right for you if you are interested in improving the natural aesthetic of your smile. For an appointment, visit their website or contact them today.