Mosquitoes Can Be Taken Care of With Pest Control in Longmont CO

by | Jul 4, 2017 | Home And Garden

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Mosquitoes are insects that suck blood from their prey. Although people say they are getting bitten by mosquitoes, this is not true because these insects do not have any teeth. They do have a sharp mouth that pries open the skin and allows their sucker tube to be placed inside the skin. Only female mosquitoes attack and suck blood. Males do not attack and only live for about a week. When mosquitoes become a problem around a home, homeowners may need to call the professionals for Pest Control in Longmont CO.

Mosquitoes are not a problem during the winter because temperatures often drop below fifty degrees. These insects will dig holes in the ground and hibernate during the winter months until temperatures begin to arise. They can hibernate for as long as six months at a time. To get rid of these pests, a homeowner needs to make sure they eliminate any sources of water. A small puddle or water left inside a child’s toy can offer a prime breeding ground for mosquitoes.

If a home is located near a body of water, the water will need to be treated so the eggs will not become viable and the baby mosquitoes will not be able to survive. This is vital for removing the mosquito population and preventing it from increasing in size. A homeowner must be proactive and make sure they remove any sources of water that are possible to remove so these pests will not be drawn to the property.

A pest control specialist will come out and help a homeowner to pinpoint the areas where mosquitoes are breeding. They can spray the property with pesticides that will help to keep the mosquito population down as low as possible. These treatments will need to be applied every spring, before the warm weather hits.

To learn more about mosquito control, Click here. Contact Wards Lawn Service and ask them to schedule your appointment right away. They can help make your summers more enjoyable by keeping these annoying insects away from your property. With pest control, mosquito bites will not ruin your outdoor fun.