The most common cause of heel pain in adults is plantar fasciitis. The plantar fascia is a band of tissue that connects the bottom of the heel to the base of the toes. When this band becomes inflamed, severe heel pain is a very common symptom. For this and other causes, heel pain treatment doesn’t need to include surgery, but it should be started as soon as possible.
Possible Causes
As a secondary issue with plantar fasciitis, heel spurs can also be the cause of heel pain. Heel spurs result from the constant inflammation of the plantar fascia at the connection point in the heel, resulting in the development of a bony protrusion.
Pain to the back of the heel is often associated with inflammation of the Achilles tendon, particularly where it connects to the heel bone. This is often accompanied by a lump or swelling on the back of the heel, and it is most commonly seen in runners or people that are on their feet for long periods of time.
Treatment Considerations
For all the above issues, heel pain treatment is typically non-surgical, with surgery only used as a last resort when other options are not effective. One of the most important aspects in any type of heel pain treatment is to allow time for natural healing, which can take months when tendons and the fascia are torn or damaged.
The most common types of heel pain treatment include stretching, which can be done at home using very simple techniques. For plantar fasciitis, heel spurs and inflammation of the Achilles tendon, stretching before getting out of bed can help prevent the extreme pain associated with taking those few first steps in the morning.
Stretching consists of gently extending the band of tissues on the bottom of the foot, by bringing the toe up towards the body. This can be done by sitting flat on the bed and using a towel wrapped around the feet to gently pull the toes up, while keeping the legs on the surface of the bed.
Other stretching exercises include a lunge type of stretch with the hands supporting the upper body against the wall. One leg is extended back with just the toe touching the floor, and the forward knee bent at a 90-degree angle to provide a gentle stretch down the back of the extended leg, as well as on the foot.
Using ice on the bottom of the foot is another form of heel pain treatment that is easy to do at home. Freeze water in small plastic soda or water bottles and, while seated, roll the bottle with the bottom of the foot to get both a stretch and pain relief.
Let us help you with heel pain treatment customized to your foot problems.
At Suburban Orthopaedics, our doctors, physical therapists and staff can assist you, providing the best treatment possible. To learn more see us at You can also connect with them on Facebook for more updates!