When a Root Canal procedure is carried out, it is done to protect a tooth and prevent it from dying. This procedure often proves beneficial in treating a tooth after severe decay or infection has threatened its health. Though many people are fearful about these procedures, they do not cause much more pain than a tooth extraction. People needing this procedure will find comfort in understanding how it is carried out.
To perform a Root Canal in Lincolnwood IL, the dentist will first need to open the tooth and examine the inner structures. Decay and infection often cause major damages to the inner core of a tooth. This damaged tissue needs to be removed so it does not continue to cause damage.
To remove the inner portions of the tooth, the dentist uses special tools that work to scrape down the inside of the roots. The pulp and nerve are removed in the process. Removing the nerve does not cause any problems with normal function. Removal stops any pain a person is feeling so they can regain normal function.
As a part of a Root Canal in Lincolnwood IL, the dentist will also need to fill the tooth with a special filling material. This material is specially made for these procedures because it is able to enter all of the crevices inside the tooth so it becomes completely solid once the hardening and curing process has been completed.
The hardening process is accomplished within seconds, through the use of a special UV light. This ensures the filling material becomes one with the tooth so it is stronger and able to resist damage. Once the filling has been cured, a sealant is placed on the top. This further enhances the protection of the tooth.
When a person is in need of a dental procedure, time is of the essence. To receive the treatment your smile needs, visit. They provide their patients with the expert dental procedures that are needed to ensure their smiles stay healthy and strong.
Contact them today and schedule a consultation appointment so you can learn what dental procedures will be most beneficial for your smile.