Pet Grooming In Olathe, KS WIll Keep Animals Healthier And Looking Great

by | Nov 23, 2017 | Animal Hospital

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Why is it so important to groom a pet? Pets need to be groomed on a regular basis because it will improve the way they feel and reduce the chances of a parasite making them ill. Keeping a pet groomed extends beyond them looking adorable for family and friends. Grooming can improve the mental state of a dog and improve their behavior and health.

Parasites and dust mites can live on a dog and increase the chance of allergies developing. Dogs should receive Pet Grooming in Olathe KS regularly because the hair can become matted and their tails can cause them to slip and receive an injury to their neck, shoulder, or leg.

Problems That Can Develop In A Dog That Isn’t Regularly Groomed

Crusted eyes, matted fur, clogged ears, and painful nails are only a few of the problems a dog can have when they don’t receive regular Pet Grooming in Olathe KS. Dogs who suffer these types of problems seem to know they are being neglected and will misbehave as a reaction. A warm bath with a rich, clean lather will rid their body of bugs and germs and give them relief from dry and itchy skin.


Nails on a dog can often be overlooked by an owner. The nails should be regularly trimmed to reduce the chances of them causing pain for a pet. Nails that are too long can cause severe pain because a dog will not walk properly when the nail begins to create pain.

Mental State

When a dog is clean, fresh, and feeling great, they will behave better than a dog that has painful, matted hair and ear pain. Grooming and hygiene are just as important for a dog as they are for a human because dirt and debris can hide in creases around their joints. Humans can catch tapeworms when their dog isn’t cleaned properly on a regular basis.

If you want to keep your pets happy and healthy, get them groomed regularly. Falcon Valley Animal Hospital offers outstanding grooming services that are convenient for pet owners. They will help to prevent fleas and let an owner know if there’s any problem they notice while grooming the pet. You can also visit them on YouTube Channel.