Professional Carpet Cleaning in Seattle WA Gives a House a Fresh Appearance

by | Apr 4, 2023 | Cleaning

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Pet owners already know how hard it can be to keep a rug looking and smelling fresh. But they aren’t the only ones who should use a professional carpet cleaning service in Seattle WA. Gourmet cooks who love garlic may find they’ve infused more than their food with it’s pungent odor. Aromatherapy devotees might have energized their family room carpet with too much citrus scent. These odors may come to define a home and that’s find for the family who lives there currently. Once a homeowner decides to sell their house, a thorough and professional carpet cleaning may be needed.

A professional carpet cleaner has tools that dwarf the power of their homeowner counterparts. A truck mounted hot water extraction cleaner will whisk away dirt and stains that the homeowner had started to think was part of the carpet pattern. It sanitizes the carpet and gets rid of pet hair and dander. Potential home buyers with allergies won’t be put off by stuffy noses or watery eyes. They’ll also love the spotless carpet. Not everyone prefers hardwood floors. Some buyers may be thrilled with cozy wall-to-wall carpet in the family room or bedrooms. However, that carpet better be clean and odor-free before a real estate agent brings in home buyers or other agents.

It’s not just the carpets that can absorb odors. Upholstered couches and chairs can become just as dirty and smelly. Pets love curling up in them and leave their hairs all over. If a carpet cleaning service cleans carpets and upholstery at the same time, the room will look 10 years newer. The cleaner can also put protective chemicals on the surfaces to keep them cleaner and odor-free. Some people will love the convenience of those treatments. Others will prefer to skip chemicals in their home and just have the rug cleaner come more often.

Properly deep cleaning a carpet and furniture upholstery will prolong their life. Professional cleaners know the best cleaning agents to use. Their powerful cleaners also dry fabric quickly so there is less chance of mold, mildew and bacteria taking hold while it dries. They also know how to remove stains without damaging fabric. Sometimes homeowners can become too zealous. Visit