When it comes to Lawn Care Services Boynton Beach Florida, residents have a variety of reasons they contract for this work. They may be disappointed at how thin their grass tends to be or are unhappy about an invasion of weeds in the lawn. Grass can be susceptible to a fungus growth that changes its color and leaves a reddish, powdery substance on people’s feet and shoes. Another problem some property owners discover is the appearance of yellow or brown patches that apparently are associated with their dogs relieving themselves.
Lawn Burn
When dogs damage the grass this way, the problem is known as lawn burn. It is caused by nitrogen, which is plentiful in canine urine. A little nitrogen on grass is helpful because it’s a fertilizer, but too much concentrated nitrogen is harmful. The fertilizer aspect can usually be confirmed by a ring of particularly lush, green blades around the damaged grass. Oral supplements are available that change the pH of dog urine, but veterinarians generally advise against using these products.
A Special Place
One helpful strategy for keeping the lawn looking nice is to train the dogs to only do their business in a certain part of the yard that isn’t as visible to visitors or passersby. It might be sheltered by shrubbery, for instance, or hidden by a small fence. Another technique is to have a special place with mulch or pea gravel where the dogs can go. Then they won’t cause any trouble with grass in the yard.
Frequent Watering
If the property owner doesn’t want to restrict the animals’ roaming in the yard, frequent watering of the grass will help. Water flushes away nitrogen. Frequent watering of the entire yard keeps the grass healthy and reduces stress during dry spells. That also will prevent any additional need for Lawn Care Services Boynton Beach Florida has available.
Grass Treatment
For Lawn Care Services Boynton Beach Florida residents also can have professional workers apply grass treatment solutions to restore plant growth in areas that have been damaged by nitrogen overload. It’s essential not to add fertilizer since that will make the problem even worse. This type of treatment can be provided by a company such as Above & Beyond Pest Control in Boynton Beach Florida.