Professional Yellow Jackets Control in Pittsburgh Prevents Hazardous Scenarios From Developing

by | Jul 3, 2018 | Pest Control

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Yellow jackets are beneficial around the home and in the garden because they pollinate plants when they draw nectar from flowers. However, they may sting people for no apparent reason, unlike some of the less aggressive insects that won’t sting unless they feel threatened. When someone in the household is allergic to this venom, it’s best to call for professional Yellow Jackets Control in Pittsburgh to find and eliminate any nests on the property.

Allergic Reactions

Not all allergies to stinging insects are the same, even to insects of the same category. For instance, there are different species of yellow jackets, and some tend to cause more serious reactions. A person might have a normal reaction to a yellow jacket sting by one species, with redness, swelling and localized pain. Another species might cause a life-threatening reaction.

Hazardous Nuisances

These critters can get into the house and they often fly into open car windows and doors. They can be attracted to foods and beverages that people are eating outside on the patio or deck, so they hover around and become nuisances. They are notorious for bugging people at picnics and outdoor parties. After Professional Yellow Jackets Control in Pittsburgh locates and gets rid of nests, there still may be an occasional wasp or hornet hanging around the yard, but the problem will be dramatically reduced.

Hardy Queens

People commonly hope that a harsh winter will kill off the stinging insects and the problem will be solved. It doesn’t exactly work this way, however. A large number do die off in fall and winter, but the youngest queen yellow jackets are fertilized in fall and survive the winter in a shelter of fallen leaves. Property owners can minimize this possibility by tending to the yard in autumn and not allowing the organic debris to pile up and stay there until spring.

When property owners try to deal with yellow jacket infestations on their own, they risk getting stung multiple times as the insects become angry and scared. A better solution is to browse the website and then call for assistance from a company such as The-Beeman.