These days it seems like every millionaire and billionaire wants his or her own space travel company. At the very least, they are looking to rocket into space and then come back down to Earth. Before you can even take your own personal rocket into space, you need an engineer to design it, a crew to build it, and the proper aerospace coatings to protect the hull of the craft. Without these aerospace coatings on the hull, several things will go wrong.
The Hull Will Collect Ice and Rust
A formidable rocket is made of layers of metal. Metal is the only thing between you and the freezing temperatures and lack of breathable air in space. A coating on the hull helps seal the metal layers and prevents ice and rust from forming. The ice and rust can not only damage your rocket, but also cause it to explode during liftoff.
Friction Will Burn up the Hull
Exterior coating also enables your personal rocket to re-enter Earth’s atmosphere without burning up and exploding. Anti-friction coating deters the wind and debris in the atmosphere from creating friction that can cause the hull to heat up and burn. You will need this type of coating along with a few other coatings, unless you can find, purchase, and utilize a multi-purpose coating like Ws2 Tungsten Disulfide.
If you want to know more about which coatings your rocket will need, how to purchase them, and how to apply them, contact Dicronite of El Paso via Business url