Reasons Homeowners Need Outdoor Faucet Repair in Saline MI

by | Oct 17, 2016 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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Outdoor Faucet Repair in Saline MI becomes necessary for a few different reasons. Some new homeowners are surprised to discover how the previous owner jimmy-rigged an outdoor spigot with a broken or missing handle. Instead of getting a new handle, the owner just shuts off the water for a little while and capped off the faucet. It’s technically still usable in that condition, but doing so requires shutting off the water each time to put the cap back on. Trying to cap off the spigot while the water is bursting forth at full strength is very difficult, and guaranteed to get the person soaking wet.

A dripping outdoor spigot also requires Faucet Repair in Saline MI unless the owner is willing to pay more for water usage. This is the most common flaw that develops with faucets both inside the house and outdoors. These problems tend to worsen over time, and eventually, the water loss can become noteworthy on the utility bill. In addition, that type of situation can lead to the faucet freezing up once the temperature drops that low during winter. Both the spigot and the pipe behind it are likely to crack, which will be expensive to repair and can cause substantial water damage. Before any larger issues occur, having a plumber fix or replace this outdoor faucet is essential.

While the plumber is at the property doing faucet repair, the owner might like to have an additional outdoor spigot installed. Many homes only have one, which limits the ability to conveniently use the house’s water supply outdoors. A vegetable garden might be located on the opposite side of the building, for example. Watering it either requires hooking up two or three long hoses together, or trucking several full buckets or watering cans from one side of the house to the other.

All these projects can be accomplished by a company such as Howe Plumbing LLC. The plumbers do repair and installation of various fixtures, pipes, and even water-using appliances. They can install a water softener and bypass the outdoor spigots, so soft water is not wasted. Click here for more information on this organization.