Reasons to Head to the Dentist in Puyallup, WA Twice a Year

by | Jun 12, 2017 | Uncategorized

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Professionals in the field recommend that all adults head to their dentists for regular check-ups twice a year. However, surprisingly few patients actually follow these recommendations. It’s easy to come up with excuses to put off those regular visits to the Dentist in Puyallup WA, but doing so would be a mistake. Read on to find out why it’s so important to schedule and attend regular checkups.

Early Detection of Common Problems

Cavities and other common tooth problems often don’t become noticeable until they have progressed significantly. That means patients may be going about their lives assuming that all is well while inside their mouths decay is beginning to take its toll. Some readers may be asking themselves what the big deal is if it’s not painful and it’s not visible. The big deal is that allowing tooth decay and gum infections to progress to the point where they are easy to detect makes it much harder to fix them. If the tooth is fractured and becomes infected, for instance, it could mean the difference between simply having a crown placed over the damaged tooth to protect it and needing to have it removed completely.

It Could Be Serious

Some of the issues that dentists look for during regular exams can be quite serious. Oral cancer screening is just one of the many services provided during regular checkups, and early detection can literally be an issue of life or death. Don’t leave it up to chance.

Preventative Care is Extremely Affordable

Many patients associate visits to the dentist with exorbitant bills. While this preconception isn’t always wrong, regular preventative visits are actually quite affordable. Dental bills only start to skyrocket when patients neglect their teeth and require substantial reconstructive work.

Maintain a Bright and Beautiful Smile

No matter how consistently patients brush and floss their teeth, there’s nothing like a professional cleaning to encourage a bright and beautiful smile. Just about any Dentist in Puyallup WA will tell his or her patients to have a professional cleaning once per year. Patients who are already suffering from gum diseases or other chronic problems may require additional visits as well.