Social Security will provide you with financial benefits in the event you become disabled and are unable to work. Although this is factual, the process requires the submission of numerous forms, medical reports, employment records and more. For this reason, it is highly recommended that an applicant hire a disability lawyer in Knox County to assist.
There are a number of valid reasons why a lawyer is a good idea:
* The majority of applications are denied. On average, two thirds of all initial claims are denied, the percentage that passed after reconsideration was far lower, only three percent. That leaves very few that gained approval upon a claiming. A knowledgeable disability lawyer can help improve your chances of approval by ensuring that the application is complete and accurate.
* Many applications are rejected simply due to a technical error. Remember, you are dealing with a government agency, they have never been known to be forgiving. Many of these denials of benefit happened before the facts of the case were even looked at. When you have hired a disability lawyer in Knox County you can trust that if your claim is denied, it won’t be for a technical issue.
* Seasoned Social Security lawyers are effective, even the SSA has said as much. A recent report by the SS Advisory Board stated that a knowledgeable third party can greatly expedite the process. This stands to reason, a disability lawyer knows Social Security policy and knows how best to document the claim.
* Social Security disability lawyers are not alone; they are supported by a staff of highly qualified paralegals and administrative assistants. When you have questions, you may not get in touch with the lawyer handling your case but you can rest assured that your questions will be answered to your satisfaction.
If these were not enough reasons, consider the fact that a disability lawyer in Knox County will work for you on contingency, you will not have any legal fees to pay up front; your lawyers are paid when you are awarded benefits.
A disability lawyer in Knox County can provide valuable help in ensuring that you are awarded disability benefits. For a no-cost evaluation of your case you are invited to contact the Law offices of Miller & Drozdowski, P.C. Like us on our facebook page.