New web design Jacksonville businesses use can help keep your site fresh and interesting to your customers and visitors. There are a few things that can get stale real fast and make your site appear outdated.
Keep Things Simple and Clear
Take your navigation for a test drive. Many companies make the mistake of updating information and adding new buttons and links, but do not redo their navigation to accommodate the changes. The web design Jacksonville companies use to redo navigation can add a more simplified approach with easy to use menus to update your site. Make sure people can find their way around effortlessly. Have a call to action on each page so visitors know how to buy, inquire or click for information. And make sure your brand is represented. You want people to know who you are and what you have to offer as soon as they land on your home page.
Introduce Yourself Immediately
Be polite and make your acquaintance with visitors as soon as they hit your home page. Have a clearly marked contact us button on every page. As well include hours and make sure you have an informative About Us section so people know who you are and why you are the ones to trust. If you can, add some testimonials that will resonate with visitors to add to your reputable standing.
Avoid Cliches and Use Relevant Images
Get rid of music and splash pages that can make a site appear out dated. They can frustrate people who have been visiting a lot of sites. Let people land on a nice clean page with some relevant images and words that will let them know they have found the right site. People do like images and this is where you can get creative providing a quick view of what you do.
Be Resourceful
Don’t be shy to use the tools Google provides such as Google maps. People appreciate knowing where you are and how to get there. Provide all the links to social media pages to help build trust as well as providing more up to date information. If people visit your site more than once and see it is the same old same old, they will be less likely to come back. The web design Jacksonville companies need must stay fresh and exciting to be effective.
If you are looking for outstanding Jacksonville SEO company, Marlincs has the expert SEO team you need. Visit for more information.