Resolving the Most Pressing Issues in Divorce with Family Law Lawyers in Temecula

by | Sep 26, 2017 | Lawyers

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Family legal affairs can be an emotional roller coaster. During a divorce, the couples involved may be stressed and worried about their financial well-being. Such a life-changing event can negatively impact a child’s life and other members of the family. Family law lawyers in Temecula are willing and able to solve family issues and avoid heated contention between the people involved.

Resolving the Major Aspects of Divorce

Resolving the major aspects of divorce can be challenging. When a soon-to-be-divorced couple can’t agree on the terms of the divorce, there is no telling what the outcome will be without consultation at the Law Office of Michelle Penna. Spousal support, the division of assets, and child custody are disputed the most.

Spousal support is necessary for many divorcing couples to ensure a person is able to maintain basic necessities after divorce. This is especially true if one spouse has not worked the entire marriage. That person may not be prepared right away to support themselves. Alimony may be necessary for a period of time.

Child custody is a sensitive matter. A judge will most likely have the parents share custody when children have established a healthy relationship with both. This decision is best for the emotional welfare of a child. There are many reasons for choosing sole custody for one parent, and visitation rights for the other.

Community property is split up equally between married couples. Separate property stays with the original owner. The court decides who gets what in a process called equitable distribution. The problem that spouses may have is when both of them want some of the same things. The court decides who gets what based on their needs and there are a few other determining factors.

Divorce Mediation

Divorce mediation uses a mediator to settle differences that could end in a contested divorce. The mediators are two qualified family law lawyers in Temecula who make an attempt to negotiate the terms of the divorce.

Each spouse utilizes the services of one lawyer. Both parties state their case, and the lawyers try to make decisions everyone agrees on. If differences are resolved with everyone reaching common ground, the agreement is made official in writing. A judge approves the terms of a divorce settlement. Please visit the website to learn more.