Save Money and Increase Safety with Solar Powered Lighting Systems

by | Aug 18, 2017 | Solar Traffic Products

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Traffic lights and school zone beacons are some of your town’s most important safety features. Ensuring the reliability of these systems is critical. One way to increase the reliability of these systems and save taxpayer money is through the use of solar powered lighting systems.

Solar powered lighting systems offer two primary benefits. The first is reliability. Solar energy is available to power your lighting systems even during power outages, ensuring your systems are up and running during the most dangerous times, such as during storms. Solar power can be either the primary energy source for lighting and signal systems or can be used as a backup, to take over when primary electrical systems fail.

The second primary benefit of solar powered lighting is that it is less expensive and more efficient than traditional electrical power. Solar lighting costs virtually nothing once the system is installed, saving taxpayer dollars and reducing the city’s carbon footprint.

Solar powered lighting systems are available for many different applications, even beyond traffic signals and crossing beacons, allowing you to save energy in multiple areas of your city. You’ll find stadium lights and street lights that are solar powered, as well.

Once you start to evaluate the many different solar powered lighting systems, you’re sure to find a wide variety of applications your city can implement, as older lighting systems require replacement. These offer the perfect way to bring your city into the future today.

Talk to your vendor about the best way to use solar powered lighting systems to make your town safer and save money on energy costs. These are a simple and effective way to ensure that residents feel safer and that budgets are kept in line without sacrificing and lighting features.