Seeking Postpartum Depression Treatment In El Paso, Texas

by | Mar 23, 2015 | Healthcare

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For many women that need postpartum depression treatment in El Paso, Texas there are a host of issues that may seem to be blocking their way. They may find that family keeps trying to tell them that it is natural and will just pass, or perhaps don’t want to hear about the new mother’s depression.

One important thing to keep in mind is that postpartum depression treatment is not uncommon and is not a reflection on your ability to be a terrific parent to a child. The key to treatment is to reach out and seek help to deal with the overwhelming feelings of anxiety, stress and even in not feeling adequate to handle the changes that are occurring in life.

The Causes
In postpartum depression treatment education about the causes of the condition can include:

• Hormonal fluctuations
• Environmental stressor
• past history or family history of anxiety or depression
• Concurrent events in life such as giving up job, struggling with the marital relationship or just dealing with a difficult baby.

Approximately nine to sixteen percent of all women who give birth experience post postpartum depression or PPD. If a women experiences PPD with her first child the rate of PPD in subsequent pregnancies may be as high as 40%.

The Options for Postpartum Depression Treatment in El Paso, Texas
The good news for mothers with PPD is that postpartum depression treatment is very effective and can even be prevented in future pregnancies. The most common types of therapeutic approaches to the treatment of PPD include cognitive behavioral therapy and interpersonal therapy.

By working with a psychiatrist in individual sessions as well as in groups of women also seeking postpartum depression treatment in El Paso, Texas, healing can and will occur. The length of treatment will vary from woman to woman and will be based on specific factors, but it is generally not a lengthy treatment program.

In addition to psychotherapy, postpartum depression treatment will also help new Moms to learn how to build a support network in their family to address the stressors and provide both emotional as well as actual practical support for the mother. Families may be encouraged to also participate in counseling sessions to learn more about how to help.