Working with a personal trainer can dramatically increase your chances of meeting your personal fitness goals. The expertise and accountability you’ll have by working with a professional is invaluable.
One big obstacle to working out is scheduling your sessions. This can present a challenge for anyone, whether working out alone or with a trainer. Setting a personal training schedule that works with your other commitments is critical. Here are some tips to help you set the right schedule for you.
Choose a time that really is free time. Trying to fit a workout between two other events can be a perfect way to ensure you attend your training sessions, or it can be a disaster. For example, if you prefer to eat at your desk and always find yourself killing time on a lunch break, working out at lunch might work well for you. But, if working out at lunch means you’ll have to rush back to your desk feeling sweaty or you’ll miss your regular lunches with friends, lunch might not be a good time.
Be honest about your nature. Working out in the morning is a great way to prioritize your workout and help you have more energy all day. However, if you truly are not a morning person, you should work out at lunch or in the evening. Starting a new fitness routine is a big enough challenge. Adding the obstacle of working out at a time that doesn’t fit your body’s preferences may be too much.
Give yourself enough time. Trying to fit an hour workout on an hour lunch break creates stress. If you can’t take a longer lunch, schedule your actual workout for 30 or 45 minutes, so that you have time for getting dressed, etc. or move your workout to morning or evening.
These simple steps can help ensure your personal training in Manhattan is successful.