No matter whether a person is innocent or guilty, they have the right to hire drunk driving defense lawyers in Fort Wayne IN. Most individuals can benefit from being represented by an attorney, and it behooves them to at least meet with one and go over their legal options. A consultation meeting will allow a charged individual to find out more about their charges and the possible penalties they will face if they are found guilty. With this information, individuals will know why they should consider hiring a lawyer to help them with their charges.
Because all fifty states are cracking down on drunk drivers, it is more important than ever for a person to be represented by the drunk driving defense lawyers in Fort Wayne IN. All fifty states have no passed the drunk driving law, which means any driver who reads a 0.08 or higher on a breathalyzer test or blood test is considered intoxicated even if they are not staggering or slurring their words. Being charged with this crime can result in the loss of driving privileges, hefty fines, and jail time or community service. A DUI charge can have lasting implications on a person’s personal and professional lives.
* Those who plan on arguing their innocence in court are urged to hire a lawyer to ensure they will be able to progress through the trial and, hopefully, get the best possible outcome.
* Lawyers can frequently use the mistakes of the arresting officers to help their client get their charges lessened or even dropped, depending on the circumstances.
* Most people are not fully aware of their rights or the law, so they may be guaranteed an unfavorable outcome without a lawyer guiding them and protecting their rights throughout the process.
Although no lawyer can offer a guarantee for any client, working with one can make a big difference in allowing a person the peace of mind they need to go through their trial. If you are facing DUI charges and would like to learn how a lawyer can help you, contact A Arrested Hotline. They will be happy to meet with you and go over your options.