Should You Replace an Appliance or Use a Service for Appliance Repair in Henderson, NV?

by | May 23, 2018 | Appliances

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It can happen to anyone. All of a sudden an appliance stops working properly. That means it’s time to decide whether to contact a service for Appliance Repair in Henderson NV or just gid rid of the appliance and purchase a new one. Repairing an appliance can save a lot of money, but sometimes it’s not worth putting any more money into an appliance that has reached the end of its expected lifespan.

Appliance Age

Each type of appliance has an expected lifespan. For example, a dishwasher or a microwave typically lasts about nine years, while a refrigerator or a dryer usually lasts about 13 years. If the appliance in question is close to its expected lifespan, it’s likely to keep breaking down, so it is probably better to replace it than to try Appliance Repair in Henderson NV. However, if the appliance isn’t that old, it might be a good idea to at least get a quote for repairs, especially if the appliance is still under warranty.

Repair History

Another factor to consider is whether you’ve already had to have the appliance repaired in the past. If this is the first time it has needed repairs, the appliance is more likely to still have some life in it. If an appliance has repeatedly broken down in the past, it may be time to stop throwing good money after bad and get a new appliance.

Expected Cost of Repairs

Of course, even if an appliance is relatively new, sometimes the cost of repairs isn’t worth it. One typical rule of thumb people use to determine whether to repair or replace an appliance is that if an appliance is at least halfway through its lifespan and the repair would cost more than half of what a replacement appliance would cost, it makes more sense to buy a new appliance.


Before deciding one way or the other, it’s a good idea to make sure the appliance is broken. Make sure that it hasn’t accidentally come unplugged or a circuit breaker hasn’t been tripped. Sometimes, something as simple as unplugging an appliance for a bit and then plugging it back in will fix the problem.

If you decide you want to repair the appliance, visit WEBSITE. This website will give you more information on the services available.