Signs it is Time for Roof Repair Tucson

by | Aug 6, 2019 | Roofing

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Each year, more than five million homeowners have new roofs installed. A new roof is one of the biggest investments for any home. The cost of a new roof varies, ranging from $5,000 to $10,000 depending on the size or type that’s needed.

Investing in roof repairs is a more affordable option and it can help to add years to the life of the roof. Keep reading for signs it’s time for a new roof here.

Missing, Cracked, or Curled Shingles

Look at the shingles closely. Do they look like they are curled at the end? If the shingles have begun to curl near the ends or if they have become cracked, they are getting close to the end of their life. If there are several missing singles, it’s a big sign that Roof Repair in Tucson is needed.

Shingle Granules in the Gutter

Does it look like there is black sand in the gutters? If so, this is a sign that the shingles have started to wear. In this situation, it may be time to invest in complete roof replacement; however, Roof Repair Tucson may help a homeowner buy some time.

Signs of Wear Around Roof Objects

Areas around the vent pipes, chimney, and other objects are more prone to wear than other locations. It’s a good idea to take a close look at these locations. If there are signs of wear, it’s possible that minor repairs can help, but it’s a good idea to have professionals check out the area to know for sure.

Look in the Attic

If a homeowner doesn’t make a habit of getting in their attic regularly, they should. After a storm, look in the attic for any indications of water. There may be leaking that hasn’t made it through to the ceiling yet.

When it comes to roofing issues, there are more than a few indications of a problem. Being aware of the signs of an issue is the best way to keep it from getting worse. More information about roof repairs and when they are needed can be found by contacting the team at Ralph Hays Roofing or by taking the time to visit the website.