Indoor climate control has dramatically improved the lives of millions of Americans, allowing them to remain comfortable and cool in their homes even on the hottest days of summer. However, the air conditioning units used to perform this valuable work can’t last forever, and there’s nothing worse than finding that the AC no longer works during the middle of a heat wave. Read on to find out about a few warning signs that it’s time to look into purchasing a new AC Unit.
High Utility Bills
Households that are continuing to run their AC systems at the same rate they always have but have begun to notice spikes in utility bills may be able to benefit from making the switch to a more energy efficient model. Even systems that start out being exceptionally energy efficient will lose efficiency over time, costing homeowners who put off replacing them a good deal of money on excessive monthly energy bills. Installing a new unit can usually help.
Frequent Service Calls
There are plenty of issues that can come up with AC systems that can be easily repaired. However, if multiple problems have begun to arise, requiring a seemingly endless stream of repair technicians, it may be more cost-efficient, in the long run, to simply replace the unit. This is particularly true if it is more than ten years old, as most systems can only be expected to last around a decade before needing to be replaced.
Changing Humidity Levels
The right AC Unit won’t just control interior temperature; it should also be able to keep the home’s humidity levels within a comfortable range. Homeowners who are beginning to notice moisture accumulating around windows or are suffering from the excessively dry air dry air may be experiencing serious issues with their AC systems. Often the best way to address these issues is to replace the system entirely.
Get Started Today
It just doesn’t make sense to wait until something goes seriously wrong and risk leaving the household sweltering in the heat come summer. Instead, make an appointment for an evaluation with a qualified AC tech today. Contact. to get started. You can also follow them on Twitter for latest news and update!