Signs That Indicate You Will Need to Get a Water Filter for Your Home

by | Oct 1, 2019 | Plumbing and Plumbers

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We use water to clean, bathe and drink. That is why it is important for you to keep it clean. You may need water filtration in Naples, FL. There are several signs that indicate you need to get a water filter.

The Water Is Not Clear

There is something simple that you can do that will show you whether the water is clean. You can pour a glass of water and see if it looks clear. If your water is red, orange, yellow or black, then the water is likely contaminated.

The Water Pressure Has Dropped

You may need water filtration in Naples, FL, if the water pressure has dropped. You may have minerals and deposits building up inside of your pipe. This can clog your pipes, which will cause the water pressure to drop.

The Water Smells Bad

If water is pure, then it will not have an odor. Your water should not smell like rotten eggs, chlorine or metal. A smell indicates that your water has contaminants in it.

The Water Tastes Bad

Water should not have a strong taste. It should also be easy for you to drink the water. If your water has a bad taste, then you likely need a new water filter.

You and Your Family Members Keep Getting Sick

If you consume a lot of contaminants, then you are likely to get sick. It is possible for water to be contaminated even if it does not have a foul odor or taste. If you do not have any other explanation for being sick, then your water may be to blame.

Your Hair and Skin Are Dry

Chlorine and hard minerals can ruin your hair and skin. You may notice that your hair and skin are unusually dry. Your hair and skin may be even drier after a shower.

For more information visit us at Mike’s Plumbing of SW FLA.