Signs That It’s Time for Emergency Electrical Services in West Palm Beach FL

by | Jul 13, 2021 | Electrician

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Knowing the signs and symptoms of an electrical issue can help homeowners know when it’s time to call for Emergency Electrical Services in West Palm Beach FL. While some problems can receive at-home troubleshooting, the professionals should handle most issues. Below are several signs that it’s time to call an electrician.

Circuit Breaker Issues

A circuit breaker is intended to trip when circuits become overloaded. When the electrical supply is shut off, the breaker prevents wiring from overheating and causing a fire. Old breakers may trip as well, and the occasional trip may indicate a simple overload. Try plugging appliances into different circuits, and if the breaker trips too often, call an electrician.


If a person feels a tingle or mild shock as they touch an appliance, improper wiring or a ground fault may be to blame. While the occasional static shock is no cause for concern, other types of shock should be taken seriously to keep the situation from worsening.

Heated Ceiling Fixtures

Homeowners should occasionally check their ceiling fixtures for excessive warmth because not all are as well insulated as they should be. If the fixture’s maximum wattage is exceeded, it may overheat and cause a fire risk. By switching to CFL or LED bulbs, homeowners can reduce the risk, but persistent heat is a sign that it’s time to call a professional.

Flickering Lights

If the lights in the home flicker, the cause could be as simple as a loose or faulty light bulb. However, if bulb replacement fails to resolve the issue, Emergency Electrical Services in West Palm Beach FL may be necessary. An electrician can diagnose the fixture’s connections, inspect the wiring in the breaker box, and detect other issues.

Electrical Outlets and Light Switches Stop Working

Receptacles and light switches that work intermittently or not at all may indicate deeper electrical problems. Wiring can come loose and devices may have internal flaws. If the plug won’t stay in a receptacle, there may be problems as well, especially when a user unplugs the cord and receives a nasty shock.

The above problems can become worse if they’re not addressed immediately. For prompt emergency service, call AV2E Electrical today. Check out their website.