Signs You Need to See an Allergist in Elizabethtown, KY

by | Apr 26, 2016 | Health

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Allergies can range from mild to extreme and can even be life-threatening. It is important a person is able to carefully manage their allergy symptoms, so life is not as difficult. Unfortunately, allergens are not always easy to get away from. This is why a person needs to see an Allergist in Elizabethtown KY so they can learn what is causing their symptoms and what can be done to treat them.

The signs of allergies may include:

* Sneezing
* Itchy eyes, skin, and throat
* Post-nasal drip
* Wheezing
* Coughs
* Difficulty breathing

When a person goes in to see the Allergist in Elizabethtown KY, they will need to be prepared to discuss their symptoms. The allergist will likely schedule allergy testing so the allergens a person is sensitive to can be revealed. It is important a person knows what they are allergic to as they can avoid the allergens as much as possible.

Allergy testing involves the placement of allergens into the skin through a small scratch mark. The substances are allowed to sit on the skin for a timed period and then each mark is checked for any welt growth.

If a welt is present, this means the person is sensitive to the allergen. The size of the welt determines the severity of the allergy. It is important a person does not take any antihistamines for a certain period of time before the testing procedure to ensure their results will not be compromised.

Once the allergist has determined the allergies that are present, treatment can be put in place. For those avoidable allergies, avoidance is typically all that is needed to stop the symptoms.

Antihistamines can bring welcome relief from many of the symptoms of allergies. These medications can be given orally or through a nasal spray, depending on the needs of the patient.

If you are dealing with allergies that are affecting your life, it behooves you to seek treatment. Contact the Accredited Asthma, Allergy & Food Intolerance Center so they can schedule you a consultation appointment. This will allow you to learn more about your options for treatment so you can find relief.