There are few things that can make a woman feel like less of a woman than the possibility of facing the loss of their hair. While there are some circumstances in which hair loss simply cannot be avoided, most times it is avoidable. Here are some easy tips to avoid Hair Loss in West Chester PA.
•Try to avoid using a hair dryer when at all possible. This also applies to such devices as hair straighteners. This is because heat works to destroy the protein, called keratin, that makes up the composition of hair. It is best to just dry the hair naturally and only use heat in extreme circumstances.
•Getting a perm frequently can lead to hair loss. The chemical treatment that the hair faces when undergoing a perm can lead to it becoming weakened and brittle. This is because the chemicals used actually restructure the hair from the inside.
•Other chemicals to avoid using on a too often basis include hair dyes and bleaches. Experts in Hair Loss in West Chester PA recommend not using hair dye any more frequently than every six weeks. They recommend never bleaching as it actually damages the hair on a cellular level. Combining bleaching with heat treatments is a recipe for future disaster.
•Pulling the hair tightly back in bands or clips can also lead to future hair loss. This is true for any hair style that requires such manipulation of the hair.
•A healthy diet goes a long way towards preventing many types of hair loss. Make sure to eat food that contains plenty of iron to avoid anemia. This condition drains valuable nutrients from reaching the hair follicles. Protein is also a very important nutrient to consume as the hair itself is made from proteins. Proper eating can be learned from places such as the BeBalanced Center.
For more information on different types of hair loss and how to avoid it, one website to visit is . They can advise on leading a balanced and fulfilling life in many ways. Don’t let hair loss get you down. Avoid it in the first place by following all of the above mentioned simple tips.