Since you’ll likely have your apartment for the duration of your time in college, you want to do what you can to make it comfortable and to make it feel like home. Here are a few tips to consider.
One of the things that you might notice when you move into student apartments in Chapel Hill is the lighting. There could be rooms that have new fixtures, which can make the area brighter. On the other hand, some of the rooms might be dim and feel enclosed. Invest in lampshades so that you don’t have to look into a bright bulb, and make sure the bulbs throughout your home are bright enough so that you can comfortably see what you’re doing.
Whether it’s a cactus that doesn’t require a lot of care or colorful plants that need to be watered every day, consider getting a few plants that you can put on end tables or on a shelf. They can add to the oxygen supply in your home, along with providing a cheerful environment while living in one of the student apartments in Chapel Hill.
Don’t be afraid to rearrange the furniture in your home on occasion. This can keep the rooms in your apartment from becoming boring over time and can sometimes give you a few ideas about other items that you can add to the room to give it a cozy and personalized look. Consider arranging your furniture so that there’s ease of access to other objects in the room, such as moving the couch closer to an end table.
Learn more about how to make your apartment feel comfortable by contacting Chapel Ridge at