Somatic Therapy for Recovery from Trauma in Nashville

by | Oct 29, 2021 | Health

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Recovering from a traumatic experience in the past through therapy can be a challenging process. On the one hand, therapy itself can take a long time before you reach results that you are happy with. On top of that, you might not find the right therapist or style of therapy on the first or second try, which is frustrating. Finding the right fit is very rewarding once you get there, and it can transform your life no matter what past experiences and goals you bring to your therapy. The benefits of greater awareness, reduced stress and anxiety, and a set of tools to help take control of your mental health are invaluable.

Sexual Assault Counseling Nashville, TN

If you have been the victim of sexual assault, then you know that the mental damage can take years to heal, especially if you are not using any kind of therapy, and that the path to recovery can be winding. From dealing with the experience itself to managing symptoms on a day-to-day basis and understanding how it affects your relationship with yourself and others, trauma from sexual assault can have a wide impact. Somatic therapy, EMDR, CBT, DBT– there are many different schools of therapy that are effective for different people. It’s important to work at therapy and put in the effort to make it work, because the benefits can be tremendous. If you are looking for sexual assault counseling in Nashville, TN, then call Simply Being and get started on scheduling your first session.