Are you driving around in your car or truck with non tinted windows and you are thinking about the potential advantages of glass tinting in Connecticut? If you want to get relief from the heat as well as vehicle protection, you might want to give some serious consideration to a window tint for your car or truck. You may have heard that you can get some protection from Ultraviolet sun rays with window tinting film, but did you know that Madico window tint film provides almost total protection (virtually 100 percent) from harmful Ultraviolet rays?
To make it even better, Madico film is also capable of blocking out nearly 66 percent of the summer heat. Think about how incredibly hot your vehicle can get in the worst of the June, July, and August heat. If you leave your car locked in the hot sun for as little as half an hour or an hour you will usually return to the vehicle to find it nearly as hot as an oven inside. This can be reduced by two thirds if you get the proper window tint film!
Your air conditioner has to work overtime to make up for the fact that you have no window tint, so when you have sun repelling and heat repelling window tint in place, it takes the energy burden off your air conditioner. You will be personally protected from many of the most damaging effects of the sun, skin cancer for example. Of course, you need to wear sunscreen and use good judgment with all sun exposure but window tint makes it much easier. Some people actually choose to get window film purely for aesthetic reasons: The darker windows do look nicer and they add a certain style to any vehicle.
Once you have your new window tint film installed on your vehicle by Tint Master, you will not have to worry about returning to get the window tint regularly repaired in the future. Glass tinting in Connecticut will come with a lifetime warranty, so you can expect to continue receiving the benefits of new window film for years to come – for as long as you own your car or truck!