Having to clean out an elderly parent’s home as this individual moves to assisted living or a nursing facility can be stressful and depressing for family members. Some individuals accumulate a lifetime’s worth of possessions and have trouble throwing anything away. The adult children of people who grew up during World War II rationing often are accustomed to their folks squirreling away thousands of twist ties and rubber bands, hundreds of paper bags and dozens of old coffee cans. You never know when you might need something. An easy way to get rid of things that are actual junk is to rent Dumpsters in Nassau County NY and throw all those objects in there. It’s advisable, however, to separate out items that people could use and would be glad to obtain.
A company such as V. Garofalo Carting Inc. can make the task easier by providing a dumpster for trash and another for recyclable objects. This type of company may even have their own workers separate the materials from one large dumpster back at the facility. There’s another category of usable items, however. These are the objects that people use for their crafting and decorative projects, and for art classes in grade schools. Some items that seem worthless to the owner may actually be worth money at a flea market or online auction. If the family doesn’t want to deal with that, they might consider holding a rummage sale and throwing whatever is left into Dumpsters in Nassau County NY afterward. The sale might even pay for the price of the dumpster rental.
Free ads on a local website offering various items at no charge can match people with objects they’d love to have. The family might be looking at an old battered, rickety wooden chair with disdain and figure it should be thrown in the trash. An artist looks at the chair and sees an opportunity for decoupage or rosemaling. The chair might never be functional again, but it can be decorative. Everything that truly is a garbage can go in the dumpster and conveniently be hauled away by the rental service.