Some of the Many Benefits of Using Organic Coconut Oil in Oregon

by | Feb 4, 2022 | CBD Products

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Of all the vegetable oils available on the market, coconut oil may be one of the most healthy. And when it’s organic, you can expect nothing but clean, uncontaminated goodness. Been thinking about picking up some organic coconut oil in Oregon? Then read on for some of the many benefits of doing so.

Antimicrobial Effects

Organic coconut oil naturally contains a high level of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which contain lauric acid. Lauric acid may comprise up to 50% of the MCTs in coconut oil and has been shown to be effective against a variety of disease-inducing organisms, including staphylococcus aureus and helicobacter pylori. MCTs can also be effective against the spread of bacteria.

Healthy Skin

Oils, which are generally used for cooking, are also great for hydrating and moisturizing your skin. Organic coconut oil in Oregon is no exception. Regular use can boost the overall moisture content in your skin, which will give it long-term protection from the elements and other causes of dryness and cracking.

Potential Fat Burner

Many studies have been done on MCTs in order to discover its health benefits. Tests performed on pure MCT oil indicate that MCTs potentially cause your body to burn more calories, which may promote weight loss. This does not mean eating a lot of coconut oil will lead to weight loss, though.

Antioxidant Source

Antioxidants are found in healthy foods and help prevent or fight all manner of both chronic and degenerative diseases. Some of the antioxidants include tocopherols, flavonoids and phytosterols, and together, they have even been shown to reduce secondary diabetes complications.