Speaking Out Against Bullying and Protecting People From It in Nevada

by | Dec 17, 2020 | Education

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Bullying is damaging to everyone involved in the process. This includes the victims of the bullies, those who witness the bullying, and the bully themselves. Against Bullying campaigns strive to protect victims of bullies and help bullies address the issues that cause them to want to hurt others.

Campaigns against bullying make it clear that bullying can have serious effects on the mental health of everyone in society. There is a strong link between bullying and substance use and suicide. It is imperative that parents talk to their children, teachers talk to their students, and people just look out for each other when determining if bullying is something that is going on.

When a child is bullied, they may experience academic, mental, social, and physical experiences that are negative. There is a lot of information that links bullying in childhood to mental health issues. Children who are the victims of bullies will experience increased feelings of sadness. Their sleep and eating patterns may change. They may lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. The negative effects of bullying are long-lasting.

Adults who were bullied as children may have health issues that stem from the stress they felt. Children who are bullied may have decreased academic achievement. They may miss classes in order to avoid their bully. In some cases, children have dropped out of school completely because of bullying.

Learn how I-SHOUT-OUT speaks out against intolerance and is helping victims of bullying find the comfort they need by visiting their website.