Starting a Knife Collection? 3 Uses for Bear Butterfly Knives in Miami, FL

by | Nov 10, 2021 | Knives

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A butterfly knife is like any other type of knife — it can be used to chop, cut, and perform ricks. However, its unique design allows you to open and close the blade quickly and easily, making it perfect for taking quick action. With this knowledge in mind, you’ll want to learn about how to use your bear butterfly knife as effectively as possible.

Keep reading to learn three ways you can use your butterfly knife:

1. Open Boxes

While the design of the butterfly knife is quite exceptional, you can keep this knife handy for opening anything. One of the most common uses for a bear butterfly knife is to open boxes. Whether you use it on cardboard boxes from amazon or to open your tightly secured moving boxes, a butterfly knife is sure to get the job done.

2. Cut Ropes

Similar to a pocket knife, bear butterfly knives have a thin blade that can cut very thin ropes. These are useful when you have to get out of a tight spot, but they lack versatility compared to other types of butterfly knives. Butterfly cutters can also be called rope cutters or rope cleavers.

3. Perform Tricks

A butterfly knife is a perfect tool to perform tricks with, including flicking and twirling. Flicking a butterfly knife simply involves using a little wrist action to snap your arm out straight and then back into a C position, causing a whipping motion as you use your wrist to control where and how fast it goes. Twirling is done similarly by snapping your arm out straight and rotating it in circles as you move it away from yourself.

Learn more about bear butterfly knives from viper tec at