If you have looked into the requirements that go along with filing for Social Security Disability, you begin to understand what a complex and convoluted process it can be. As a government program it comes with a long list of rules, requirements, procedures, and time limits that have to be adhered to. If you have any hope of navigating through this system, you will need the help of someone who has become intimately familiar with it over the course of years and who knows all of the potential pitfalls. A disability attorney can help you better understand the process and will make a concerted effort to see that you receive the benefits you are entitled to under the law.
Filing for Disability Benefits in Grand Rapids MI will only be a first step on the road to receiving those benefits and most applications are denied in the beginning which is why so many individuals become discouraged and abandon the process. With an experienced attorney at your side, you will stand a much better chance of eventually being successful. If your initial application for benefits is denied, as so many are, your next step is to appeal that decision.
The appeals process when you’re filing for Disability may go through as many as four stages, depending on your individual situation. Your first appeal will be reviewed by someone who was not personally involved in the original filing process. This is referred to as the Reconsideration Phase. If that should fail, the next step will be a hearing before an administrative law judge. If you don’t receive satisfaction at that point, you can go before an appeals council. Should it be necessary, the final legal recourse is to file a suit in Federal Court. Each of these steps in the process is very intricate and call for an experienced disability attorney. In some cases it isn’t just the information presented, but how that information is organized and presented.
If you require some assistance in filing for there, the Bleakley Law Offices will use all of their resources to secure a favorable decision for you. They’ve been helping clients receive benefits since 1999 and they can if. They work on a contingency basis, too, which means they don’t get paid unless you do.