Summer Safety Tips for Seniors in Assisted Living near Oregon City, Oregon

by | Aug 27, 2022 | Business

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Parades, festivals, barbecues, and gardening! Summer is the perfect time of year for outdoor activities and enjoyment, but older adults should take special care to avoid heat-related injuries. Here is some excellent advice on keeping seniors in assisted living near Oregon City safe throughout the sweltering summer.

Use Sunscreen

Apply sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30, about 15 to 30 minutes before going outside in the sun. Try to get a sunscreen that is effective against UVA and UVB radiation. If you are going to be participating in aquatic activities, reapply the sunscreen often.

Drink Water

Because they cannot store as much water as they once did and because their perception of thirst lessens with age, senior citizens are more likely to get dehydrated than younger people. Older adults should avoid beverages containing alcohol and caffeine, which contribute to dehydration, and instead consume at least eight 8-ounce cups of water or sports drinks each day, which staff at Mount Angel Towers can ensure will happen.

Wear the Right Clothes

The summer wardrobe of a senior in assisted living near Oregon City should be comprised primarily of items that are of lighter hues and have a more relaxed fit. Instead of synthetic textiles like nylon and polyester, choose natural fabrics like cotton that are lighter and allow more air to pass through them. Wearing a hat with a broad brim will make it easier to shield their faces and necks from the sun.