Taking Advantage Of Cost Savings With Stock Aluminum Extrusions

by | Dec 26, 2017 | Aluminum Supplier

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For any type of metal fabrication or manufacturing, utilizing pre-shaped extrusions offer several advantages over machining or manufacturing specific shapes and components.

Having to work aluminum to create specific shapes or using a combination of machining and welding is not only time-consuming, but it is cost ineffective. There is substantially more in labor costs to this type of option, plus there is always considerable waste. This all adds up to a high cost per unit.

With the use of customer or stock aluminum extrusions, specific shapes can be provided to order or through standard inventory. With stock or standard aluminum extrusions including bar, rounds, channel, angles and other types of shapes, a company can save money and time with every order.

Custom or Stock Extrusion

The difference between stock aluminum extrusions and those that are custom extrusions is all in the shape required. Stock extrusions use an existing die, so there is no need for the aluminum company to create the die, saving time and money.

The use of the standard extrusions also means that they quickly provide the volume required for the order. With a custom aluminum extrusion, there will be a longer turnaround time for the first order.

With standard or stock aluminum extrusions, there is also no need to order in large volumes as there are no additional cost savings. These savings may be offered by the manufacturer for custom orders with high volume production runs. This cuts down on the need for large amounts of in-house storage and also makes Just in Time or JIT shipping simple and easy.

Shopping Around

It is always important when considering aluminum extrusions of any type to shop around. If there is just a small amount required with the order, this may not be as important, but for large orders or ongoing orders, the difference of a few cents can make a very big impact on the project budget.