The Advantages Of Hiring A Drug Charges Attorney In Red Bluff, CA

by | Nov 11, 2013 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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A Drug Charges Attorney in Red Bluff, CA provides legal representation for individuals who are facing either felony or misdemeanor drug charges. These attorneys are familiar with the controlled substances and quantities associated with these charges. They additionally understand the repercussions of a conviction. If you are facing a drug charges, you should consult an attorney immediately.

When Facing a Drug Charge

Criminal charges such as DUI relate to controlled substances as much as they do to alcohol. When officers conduct sobriety tests, they are additionally testing for the presence of drugs. In the event that drugs are found in your system you are charged with driving under the influence of a controlled substance. If the officer finds drugs in your possession you are additionally charged based on the quantity and the type of drug.

Determining factors associated with the classification of the charges include whether the quantity in your possession implies the intent to distribute or traffic the drugs. Higher classifications apply to these charges and harsher punishments are required. If the arresting officer catches the accused in the act of selling drugs to anyone especially minors the charges are significantly increased.

Local Criminal Attorney

Mark H. Cibula is a local an attorney who provides legal counsel for criminal cases including drug charges. This attorney will work diligently to prepare a strong defense case for you and fight for your freedom in a court of law. He additionally handles worker’s compensation and personal injury cases. If you would like to speak to Mr. Cibula or need a Drug Charges Attorney in Red Bluff, CA, you should contact him at his local number.

Your Drug Charges Attorney in Red Bluff, CA offers insight into the procedures required to fight a criminal charge. This attorney will present you with a wealth of options that enable you to fight for freedom and prove your innocence. Through the acquisition of key evidence, your attorney constructs a strong case for you to discredit the prosecution and achieve an acquittal. If you are facing criminal charges, you should contact your preferred attorney as soon as possible.