As a small business owner, you pretty much handle every aspect of day to day happenings whether it’s sales, production, advertising, managing, or bookkeeping. When it’s vital to your accounting that your business revenue and expenses stay in order, you may want to consider opening a small business checking account.
Reduce Tax Liabilities and Hassles
Taxes are normally a headache-inducing time of year, but by having business checking accounts you can benefit greatly from the new level of organization. Keeping your company’s revenue separate from your own personal accounts means less time trying to weed through unnecessary information come tax time. In addition, should there be an audit on your company or personal accounts keeping the two apart and not having any interchanging expenses can make it easier on everyone involved. If you use a personal account for business expenses, or vice versa, any liability issues that arise throughout the year will not just affect the company but your nest egg as well. Outstanding debts within your business can be collected from your personal account, and no small business owner wants to face that dilemma.
Power Employees and Accept More Payments
Unlike personal accounts, opening a business account with a community bank in Knoxville means you can have multiple employees helping with deposits and receipts. However, be sure you trust your employees explicitly as the risks of embezzlement or accounting errors directly adds to your financial liability. With a business checking account, you can also accept more payments from your customers. This includes credit cards, debit cards and other forms of tender. Say goodbye to the risks of bounced checks and use electronic card readers to determine if there is enough funds for your payment or not. This protects both you and the customer from financial issues.
Speed Up Company Growth
Your business may still be small, but by taking the professional route and securing your finances early you are well on your way to company growth. Work with the accountants and other financial advisors at your bank in the early stages of your business growth so you know who to rely on once you start expanding to other states or even countries. By working with advisors early, they can be witness to the expansion of your company and get a feel for how you prefer to run things. It’s much easier to start early with an accountant instead of looking for one later on down the line. Regardless of how you decide to do business, sticking to a business checking account is a very wise choice to make.
When you’re looking for the best bank in Knoxville for opening small business checking accounts, be sure to visit locally owned and headquartered financial institutions.