The Benefits of Behind the Ear Hearing Aids in Norwich, CT

by | Dec 28, 2016 | Healthcare

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Not being able to hear everything going on in a conversation can be frustrating. It can also be difficult if everyone around you can’t understand what you are saying because you have a tendency to mumble. Both issues could be an effect of a hearing deficit that is making it tough to clearly communicate. After meeting with an audiologist, Hearing Aids in Norwich CT may be the best solution. When choosing a model, consider the benefits of the behind the ear (BTE) hearing aids when compared to other options.

More Durable

No one wants to spend a lot of money replacing or repairing Hearing Aids in Norwich CT. It’s already an investment to purchase hearing assistance. Behind the ear, aids tend to be more durable than some of the other alternatives. Because of the way they are used and the way the fit with the ear, they tend to come into less contact with some of the things that cause problems, including moisture and ear wax. Because of this, BTE aids are a great investment for both adults and children that need some help.

Minimal Feedback

There is nothing worse that a painful noise was radiating from a hearing assistance device. The feedback can make it difficult to hear, and the whistling noise can be annoying. Behind the ear, aids produce less feedback than other models because of how the parts are arranged. There is more space between the different parts, reducing the annoying noises that often come with feedback. This makes it more comfortable to wear the aids regardless of the environment.

Easy to Care For

One of the best ways to ensure that hearing aids last is to keep them clean and care for them regularly. With aids that fit in the ear, it can be a real challenge to keep them clean. The parts are small, and reaching into the various crevices can be a challenge. The behind the ear aids are much easier to take care of. They don’t come into as much contact with things like earwax, so cleaning is more on the surface of the unit. Are you wondering if you need a hearing aid? Learn more about us and set up an appointment today.