The Benefits of Using a Fanless Industrial PC

by | Jul 30, 2015 | Computer And Internet

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Many industries are high dust environments. This can be due to the location of the factory, sanding or grinding happening within, paint booths, sand blasting booths, or a wide number of other situations. The one thing they all have in common is the fact that they need to use computerized systems in a variety of applications. This can be for record keeping, depth of the machine grinding, amount of sandblasting, or anything else. When computers of any type need to remain on the production floor, it can be a never ending chore to keep them free of dust and debris within the case. Any amount of dust inside can shorten the life of the computer, cause heat issues, and much more forcing you to have to shell out large amounts of money to replace them on a monthly basis.

Simple Solutions for Major Problems

You need computers, but your factory produces a lot of airborne particles. Your workers can easily protect themselves by using protective clothing and masks, but what about your computers? It’s hard to place protective netting over the intake panels for the fan within the computer, so what options are you left with? Many companies are now turning to fanless industrial panel PC units for their needs. These computers eliminate the need for fresh air intake while still remaining cool enough to operate properly. This gives you and your workers the ability to keep perfect production floor records and make use of all types of software while eliminating the need for too-often replacement of the entire computer. Not only does this save your company money, but it can expedite your overall production amounts and keep more thorough and detailed records of your customers and clients.

Staying One Step Ahead of your Competition

In many industries, competition can be fierce, so you want to remain one step ahead. By replacing your modern computers with fanless industrial panel PC units, you are pretty much guaranteeing limited downtime with safe and secure records which can remain right on the production floor. This is not only convenient, but it also saves time since you no longer have to walk from the production floor to an office to use the computer when you could be working and producing more products. In addition, having all of the information you may need right at your fingertips next to each workstation will help prevent errors when it comes to mixing certain ingredients for specific industrial parts.

Don’t keep repairing or replacing those modern computer units. Invest in fanless industrial panel PC units for your factory from PanelPCPro now!