Damage can occur to a tooth when it becomes decayed or infected. When tooth damage occurs, a tooth could be at risk for dying. People who have a tooth that is damaged can save it from being lost by contacting a Dentist in Redding. A dentist can determine whether or not a root canal is a viable treatment for a patient’s tooth. Those who are in need of this procedure can find comfort by educating themselves on how it is carried out by the dentist.
A root canal is one of the most invasive tooth procedures outside of extraction. When a root canal is performed, it is typically done under the aid of Novocaine, so the patient feels no pain or discomfort during the procedure. The Dentist in Redding will check to make sure the numbness is complete before beginning work on the tooth.
The first start of the process of a root canal involves the dentist removing the pulp. The pulp of the tooth is the area that is often diseased when decay or infection strike. Once the pulp has been removed, special canal files are used to clean the pulp tissue from inside the roots. It is imperative the entire inner portion of the tooth is cleaned to ensure no further damage will occur.
The tooth is then packed with the numbing medication and a filling material. The final layer of root canal filling goes in place to completely seal the tooth and prevent food and beverages from entering inside. Many teeth are so damaged, the person needs to have a crown put in place.
Crowns are made from impressions created of the tooth for an exact replica. The tooth is prepared by removing the damaged portions, and then the crown is adhered over the top of the tooth so it is fully sealed in protection.
Those who are in need of a root canal procedure can learn more about the process by contacting the office of Moore & Pascarella Dental Group. Scheduling a consultation appointment will allow people to find out whether or not this procedure will keep their tooth alive.