The Different Kinds of Custom Mattresses in Newport Beach

by | Jan 16, 2018 | Bed & Mattresses

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Beds are generally built in a few standard sizes. There are twin beds, full, queens, kings, and a few more. These standard sizes generally mean that a mattress designed to fit them will fit. There are a few exceptions, though. If you have a bed that is an antique or an heirloom, it could have been built before these sizes were standardized. In that case, the standard mattresses might not fit on them. Also, if you have custom-built bed, the standard mattresses might not fit either. In those cases, you’ll need custom mattresses to fit your bed.

Custom Beds

Some people have furniture in their bedrooms that was built specifically for that bedroom or built by hand. Those beds might not fit the standard mattresses for several different reasons. If you have an oddly-shaped room, you might have a bed that is designed specifically to fit that room. Alternately, you might have a bed that was built in a different size or shape. If your bed isn’t a standard size and shape, you’ll need custom mattresses in Newport Beach.

You should browse our website to find a mattress that fits your bed. The mattress should fit snugly and should also be made from quality materials.

Quality Mattress

Custom mattresses can be made from many different materials. They can be made from memory foam or coils. Memory foam is a great material since it pulls heat away from the body so that the sleeper doesn’t get too warm throughout the night. Also, memory foam is a very soft material; however, it can be made much more dense. Denser foam will make firmer mattresses. Whether you want a foam mattress or a coil mattress, you should make sure it’s great quality. Overall, the quality of the mattress is more important than the specifics of which type of mattress you choose.