The Facts on Getting a Massage in Honolulu

by | May 20, 2014 | Health And Fitness

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If you find yourself constantly stressed, it may be time for a massage in Honolulu. Massages are not just for the wealthy as you may think. Most anyone can take advantage of the benefits massages have to offer. Massage therapy is one of the oldest forms of medial care. It involves the manipulation of muscles, joints, and skin using various techniques. Massage therapy can relieve headaches, increase joint flexibility, decrease blood pressure, and ease muscle pain. Here are some common massage techniques used today.

A deep tissue massage concentrates on the deeper levels of muscle tissue. This is an intense massage that applies slow strokes across the grain of muscles to relieve chronic tension. The therapist may use hands knuckles, elbows, forearms, or fingertips to apply pressure. You could be asked to inhale as the pressure is applied to a certain area. Many patients get fast results with deep tissue massages.

A common type of massage in the United States is the Swedish massage. This massage involves a variety of stokes including friction, kneading, tapping, and long strokes. This massage can last from 60-90 minutes. The therapist may use the fingers, hand, or palm to apply pressure. A shiatsu massage is a type of acupressure similar to acupuncture. The word ‘shiatsu’ is from the Japanese meaning ‘finger pressure’. It uses the same pressure points as acupuncture. The therapist uses finger and palm pressure to release blocked energy.

A heated stone massage uses hot stones applied to various parts of the body. It is considered an alternative to traditional massage therapy. The therapist looks for changes in breathing and heart rate. There are different types of hot stone therapy. One hot stone technique called La Stone therapy uses hot and cold stones. Before you get the massage, the stones are heated in a tub in 120-150 degree water. The therapist will commonly use basalt stones because they can hold heat longer. The stones can be placed on the stomach, hands, or between toes.

A massage in Honolulu at Portner Orthopedic can give you many health benefits. Massages should only be performed by licensed therapists. Talk to your doctor about which ones are suited for you. Get more details from Massage in Honolulu at Portner Orthopedic Rehabilitation of Hawaii.

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