The Health Benefits of Hemp Oil for Dogs

by | Aug 30, 2018 | Health/Wellness

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Hemp oil is not only a super supplement for people, but can also work wonders for your canine companion. Hemp oil for dogs is filled with important and crucial nutritional ingredients that your dogs need such as vitamins, protein, Omega-3, Omega-6, antioxidants, potassium, calcium, fiber, iron, enzymes, and much more.  Hemp oil is an excellent supplement to your dog’s regular meal.

In addition to the above, hemp oil has many more health benefits such as it helps to strengthen the immune system, it helps to support a healthy weight, increase energy, and improve the skin and fur.

Dogs can easily digest hemp oil, and it has been shown to aid the body in the recovery it needs in order to maintain good health.

Veterinarians are slowly coming around to discovering the value of adding hemp oil to our dog’s daily diet.

Before buying hemp oil for dogs, be sure to the hemp oil is cold-processed. Some manufacturers will skimp on costs and add heat to the plant in order to extract more oil. However, extracting oil using the hot-press method destroys much of the ingredients that provide the benefits of the oil. All high-quality hemp oil will be cold-pressed.

Also, be sure to choose a company known for its high-quality ingredients. The hemp industry is mostly unregulated, and occasionally, some manufacturers can cut corners and not deliver the product you think you are buying. Such products may not be able to deliver the results you need.

If you have an older dog suffering from conditions such as itchy skin, inflammatory bowel, or arthritis, then adding hemp oil to their daily diet can improve their condition.

Help oil is becoming more mainstream and easier to buy today. For best results, just be sure to buy high-quality hemp oil from a reputable source. You and your dog will be happy you did.