Dealing with drug charges is a challenge in any state, but in Kansas, it can be a nightmare for defendants facing drug-related charges. It is illegal to possess marijuana, MDMA, cocaine, methamphetamine, and other controlled substances, and nearly all drug-related crimes are prosecuted as felonies in this state. A felony drug charge can have a dramatically negative impact on a defendant’s life, which is why it’s so important to find the right Drug Defense Lawyer in Junction City KS as soon as charges have been filed.
Take Action Immediately
The best time to hire a lawyer is as soon as possible after the arrest has occurred. Choose a lawyer who has plenty of experience trying similar cases and has a good track record of helping clients beat their drug-related charges. Of course, it’s also important to find a lawyer who offers reasonable legal fees, but keep in mind that building a solid defense requires a good deal of time, effort, and expenses.
Choose the Right Lawyer
There are several qualities to look for in a Drug Defense Lawyer in Junction City KS aside from previous experience. For instance, a defense lawyer who has also prosecuted similar cases will be in a better position to understand what strategies the current prosecutors are likely to use and create an effective defense against them. Some drug defense lawyers even go the extra distance and complete chemical drug analysis courses that help them understand how state crime labs perform their analyses, helping them better evaluate any physical evidence.
Prepare for the First Meeting
It’s always best to take some time to prepare before meeting with a lawyer. Be sure to bring copies of bail papers, police reports, and any paperwork from the court or the police that details the charges being filed and future court dates. Write down any questions and all details of the event, and compile a list of all parties with any connection to the case, including witnesses, victims, and other defendants. Bring a pen and paper as well to take notes during the meeting.
Get Started Today
The future of any drug defendant rests squarely in the hands of his or her lawyer, so be sure to choose the right one. The lawyers of Addair Thurston Chtd. have dedicated experience representing defendants against a wide variety of drug crimes. Get in contact today to schedule a meeting. You can also watch video on their YouTube channel.