If you know the time is approaching for your six monthly check-up at the dentist do not let time or anxiety cause you to miss the appointment. You may not give it much thought at the time but when you delay or set aside dental care the long term consequences will be much worse and cost you more money. There are a number of reasons why visiting your Old Town Chicago dentist on a regular basis is important.
Cavities, plaque and tartar:
Brushing and flossing your teeth are extremely important but no matter how diligent you are there are places that are difficult to reach and are invariably missed. A buildup of plaque is hard to remove; it eventually hardens into a very hard substance known as tartar. Plaque and tartar are a leading cause of dental decay.
The only way to remove plaque and tartar is by having a professional cleaning. It is recommended that people have their teeth cleaned and checked every six months.
Gum disease:
Plaque and tartar are responsible for cavities; these materials can also have a negative effect on gums. As tartar begins to accumulate it can cause an infection where the gum and tooth meet, the gum pulls away from the tooth and if it is not caught early and corrected can result in bleeding, sore gums and swelling. If it is allowed to go unchecked for long it can cause a deterioration of the bone that supports the teeth, the results of which are loose teeth and teeth that actually fall out.
Find problems before they get too bad:
An Old Town Chicago dentist will X-Ray your teeth during your checkup and cleaning, X-Rays allows the dentist to see if there are any problems below the gum line, problems that have not yet appeared. Bone decay, impacted teeth, cysts, etc are treatable when caught early.
There is so much more to dentistry than repairing teeth, an Old Town Chicago dentist is concerned his or her patients total dental care.
It is extremely important that you visit your Old Town Chicago dentist every six months for a complete checkup and professional cleaning. You re invited to make an appointment with Chicago Smile design.